Saturday, October 25, 2014

Affirmations for Business Growth

Affirmations for Business Growth 
  •  “I attract positive, energetic, reliable people to my customers and team members to my business.” 
  • “I am a positive resource and people love to do business with me. My business is growing abundantly! My business is growing every day. My business is successful.”
  • “I attract people who are enthusiastic about doing business with me. I help them achieve their dreams.”
  • “My business ventures are successful. I have everything I need to grow my business. I attract enthusiastic and motivated people into my business everyday.”
  • “My team is growing at a very rapid rate - people are joining me every week in my business and I am helping them achieve their goals.”
  • “I am getting financial prosperity and I believe my goal income is on its way because I am taking action and the Universe is magnetising the things I desire towards me and I expect them to arrive. I expect great people to get started in my business.”
  • “The people who talk with me realise that this is the best business opportunity in the world and get started immediately - they take action because they are just like me.”
  • “The people who talk with me realise that this is the best business opportunity in the world and get started immediately - they take action because they are just like me.”
  •  “My business is flourishing. I deserve and now have the perfect, lasting and successful business for me. My business increases and grows daily. I know I am successful and blessed.”
  •  “I am so happy and grateful that in this big year of 2013, I now have endless and multiple sources of income, including my business which is generating Rs___________/-  a month, I am so grateful!”
  • “I am so happy and grateful I have found a wonderful product and business and can share it with others who are serious about becoming healthier and wealthier!”

Affirmation to Clearing All Debts

Affirmation to Clearing All Debts

  • “I can easily envision myself debt-free by ______________(write the amount).

  • “I am financially independent, with huge bank accounts and I have no debts!”

  • “I am debt free with money to spend.” I enjoy the happiness and peace of mind.”

  • “Financial independence and freedom from debt is my reality.”

  • “I work very hard and earn enough money to keep myself and my family out of debt.”

  • “I have Rs.__________ by __________ and I have settled all my debts and make a home for my family.”

  • “I deserve to receive money easily, in abundance, and to live debt free now.”

  • “I forgive any and all debt owed to me, there for my thoughts are completely focused on Abundance.”

  • “My debtors affirm their faith in my increasing ability to pay!”

  • “My past due debt are decreasing every day. By the end of ___________(write the date and year); I will be completely debt free.”

  • “All my debts, my car loan and credit card debts are entirely paid off and fulfilled, easily, effortlessly, magically, miraculously, unconditionally, naturally, perfectly and permanently!!! Thank you God.”

Monday, September 8, 2014

Healing Fear with Reiki and Archangel Michael

Healing Fear with Reiki & Archangel Michael

What is your greatest fear? What makes your heart beat fast, your hands sweaty and your mind spin? What triggers your anxiety?

Almost everyone has at least a couple of fears. Some fears are small, while others are big and strong. The strong fears are infused with a power so great that they overpower even the strongest and sanest of folks. A person who is normally composed can turn into a nervous wreck when in the grip of fear. Rationality and logic vanish and no amount of reassurance from people helps.

Some other common fears include- 
  • Fear of death 
  • Fear of illness
  • Fear of being harmed
  • Fear of darkness
  • Fear of travelling
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of ghosts
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Fear of flying

This list is practically endless. If you ask everyone you know about their fears, you will come across a variety of fears, some of which you can’t even connect with! But that is the nature of fear. It is most often irrational and imaginary. This is different from the kind of fear you feel when faced with a truly dangerous situation. However, being in dangerous situations is certainly not an everyday occurrence.

This kind of logical thinking does not stop us from being fearful! So, how can we help ourselves when we stand face to face with our fears?

Here is a technique that can help you when you find yourself in the grip of irrational fear- 

1) Sit or lie down comfortably.

2) Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

3) Feel your fear in all its intensity. Do not be afraid of feeling the fear. For instance, if you are afraid of an illness, feel the fear and all the scary details your mind projects about this illness. Don’t worry, this will not manifest the illness. Since the intention behind feeling the fear is to release the energy associated with it, know that you are safe.

4) Now bring your awareness to your body. In which part of your body do you feel the effects of this fear? Do you feel tightness in your solar plexus or chest? Or do you feel heaviness in your head? 

5) Once you locate the part of the body in which the fear manifests, place one of your palms on that part.

6) Give a shape and colour to this fear. Go with the first image that comes to your mind. Do not analyse. View this image in your mind’s eye.

7) Now stretch your other hand, with the palm facing up. Request Archangel Michael or any other Spirit Guide you are comfortable working with to place their palm in yours. 

8) Feel the powerful energy emanating from this fearless being. Breathe in and absorb some of his energy. 

9) Now feel the power of your own being. You are inherently powerful. The scary voice in your head that makes you feel weak and fearful is the voice of the Ego.

10) With this awareness of your power, see yourself blowing the symbols Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei to the image of the fear you hold in your mind’s eye. Third level practitioners can also use the Master Symbol. 

11) See the symbols flying towards the image of the fear and attaching themselves to it. See the fear being enveloped in Reiki and being transmuted into power and love.

12) Do this for as long as you feel like. If you feel weak or powerless while in the midst of the process, remind yourself that Archangel Michael (or your Spirit Guide) is with you. What is there to fear when you are in the company of such powerful beings? They are there to assist you and help you recognise your own power. So, take their help.

13) Once you feel peaceful, thank Reiki and Archangel Michael (or your Spirit Guide) for their assistance.

Do this process whenever you find yourself in the grip of irrational fear. It may need to be done several times, often over months, before the fear is healed fully. You may also receive intuitive messages about other steps you can take to help with the healing. Cord cutting is particularly useful to heal deep rooted fears.

If the fear overwhelms you to such an extent that you cannot even lie still and relax to do this process, it would be wise to work with a competent Reiki Master. Once the fear is at least partially healed and you feel comfortable, you can start working independently.