Energy Balancing Affirmations
Purpose: The below affirmations are good all round energy balancing statements that relate to specific chakras. The purposes of saying sentences are very powerful, remember everything is energy/ vibration and used in the correct manner to release emotions/ tensions etc within your own body.
For example if you say something negative about someone for 5 minutes and then stop – how do you feel now? It’s probably changed your whole physiology and feelings but conversely say something positive/ simply praise someone for 5 minutes and then stop – how you feel now. See my point.
The key to really getting these powerful affirmations (or any come to that) is getting initially into a relaxed state (the “Alpha” state), this is where powerful transformation starts.
Here is the exercise:
• Do all these steps slowly
• Stand or Sit but in a comfortable position.
• If standing leave your eyes open otherwise close your eyes and concentrate on your breath nicely, deeply and slowly breathing.
I trust my Higher Self fulfill all my needs. My life is full of prosperity.
I accept and acknowledge my sexuality. My physical health is strong and pure.
In a smooth and healthy way, I release all unresolved emotions. I claim my personal power.
I freely and easily give and receive love. Totally forgive others and myself for all past errors and judgments.
I easily and gracefully express my deepest feelings and emotions.
* THIRD EYE CHAKRAMy inner vision is clear and strong. I trust my intuition and inner vision.
* CROWN CHAKRAI accept and acknowledge my spirituality.