Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chakra Balancing Meditation (Rose Meditation) - चकरा कुण्डलिनी ध्यान

 Chakra Balancing Meditation (Rose Meditation)

To balance or "see" the condition of your chakras, I've found this meditation particularly helpful. Starting from your root and after you have gotten yourself into whatever meditative relaxing position you like....

See your root chakra as a beautiful Red Rose bud, completely closed and as you visualize this on the in breath, see it....now on the out breath and slowly, see the rose blooming into full bloom and changing colors to a beautiful translucent rose color, the color of a mauve colored rose. Then breath back in, and see it slowly close again and change to the deep red bud rose again. Do this over and over repeatedly on the in and out breath as described until you feel satisfied. Trust me, you'll know when.

Move onto the sacral chakra, on the in breath see your chakra as a Reddish-Orange bud rose and on the out breath see it blossom into a bright orange rose, the color of a healthy orange fruit. Again continue this process until you feel satisfied.

The solar plexus starts as a soft almost white yellow rose bud on the in breath and as you breathe out see it blossom into a bright vibrant sunshine yellow. Again, continue.

The heart chakra starts as a soft green, the baby green of early spring, rose bud and on the out breath blooms into a baby green with beautiful rose colored tips...once you get this one right in visualizing it usually has a HUGE calming effect. 

The throat chakra starts as a light sky blue rose bud and then on the out breath blooms into a deep blue cerulean color rose. See this one as particularly strong in its coloring on the out breath. This will help you to speak your own truth and needs to others.

The third eye starts as a light amethyst colored rose bud and on the out breath turns into a deep purple color blossom and then back again to the amethyst color bud on the in breath.

The crown starts as a beautiful white rose bud pristine and pure on the in breath, and on the out breath see it blossom out into a gorgeous silvery white or gold if you're male, or rainbow colored if you prefer.

If you do this a couple times a week and especially upon rising and going to bed, you will notice a change in your feelings each day. You can also learn to see your chakras this way. The troubled spots will just make themselves known to you either through seeing with your visualization, or through your intuition.

By Kalpesh Dave.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?

Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?

Some of you who have read or known about Kundalini may have heard about the problems that Kundalini can cause. These problems are often referred to as the Kundalini Syndrome.

First, it is important to know why Kundalini awakening may be dangerous. This is because the Kundalini is a huge and unlimited power. While it lies dormant, there is a shell holding all of this power within. The conventional way of awakening the Kundalini is by stimulating the Kundalini so that the shell can be broken. The Kundalini energy will also be able to open the nearest knot of the chakra, the knot of the base chakra. However, there is still no passage for the energy to go through along the sushumna and each chakra along the sushumna has a knot blocking the sushumna. Meanwhile, the awakened Kundalini energy is released continuously. As there is no passage for the energy to be released, the amount of energy within the body builds up creating stronger pressure, pushing everywhere. When the Kundalini energy presses against the stomach, for example, one will get stomach problems, if it presses against the chest it creates chest problems, and so forth.

None of these problems will happen to a Reiki practitioner. The Reiki level one attunement prepares you properly for the Kundalini awakening by:
  • Opening your whole sushumna from the crown chakra (the top chakra) to the base chakra (the lowest chakra).
  • Opening all of the chakra knots along your sushumna.
  • Connecting you to the divine energy which automatically regulates the Kundalini energy within your body.
As the whole sushumna is already open and so are all the chakra knots along your sushumna, the freed Kundalini energy can be released easily from your crown chakra. Divine energy also envelops and regulates the Kundalini energy so that the Kundalini energy within your body is very safe. With Reiki, your Kundalini awakening will not give you pain, only bliss.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Instant and Safe Kundalini Awakening

Instant and Safe Kundalini Awakening

The first level attunement of Reiki also consists of preparations for your Kundalini awakening. So, although you have not done any previous preparation for your Kundalini awakening, the Reiki level one attunement alone is more than adequate to prepare you for this. At the time you receive your second level attunement in Reiki, your Kundalini will be awakened instantly. After doing the technique on the same day, the Kundalini energy will burst out from your crown chakra around 1.5-2 meters (4, 5 - 6 feet) above your crown chakra and the fire of your Kundalini will reach at least the level of your navel chakra (please see Reiki shaktipat illustration Video) . For more information you can read about Kundalini awakening in Reiki subsection in the Kundalini section.

If you are knowledgeable about Kundalini, you know what an instant and safe Kundalini awakening means. It normally takes decades of dedicated practice for the Kundalini to awaken. And although it takes such a long time to awaken the Kundalini, the Kundalini may still create different problems. However, in Reiki your Kundalini awakens instantly and without problems.

Although the awakening of the Kundalini in Reiki is instant, you will still have to experience the cleansing and purifying process of the Kundalini. To speed up this process, you will have to do different Kundalini exercises which are taught in the Kundalini workshop. These exercises will enable you to speed up the cleansing of different parts of your energy body and to raise the core of your Kundalini.

Divine Energy in Reiki

Divine Energy in Reiki

In general, there are two reasons why the universal energy in Reiki is often referred to as Divine energy. They are:

  1. Because the energy flows in through your crown chakra. Spiritually speaking the crown chakra is the gate for spiritual blessing to be able to flow into your body-only divine blessing can flow in through your crown chakra.
  2. If other energies can be used for good or for negative purposes depending on the practitioner, the energy in Reiki can not be used for anything negative. The energy will always do something positive although the intention of the practitioner may be negative.

Once you are able to use your Inner Heart, the all-knowing part of you, you will be able to clearly distinguish the difference between Reiki energy and other energies. You will be able to recognize that the energy in Reiki is the blessing from the Divine Source. 

You may have heard that the heart is the most special part of you. No being can manipulate your heart. You are the one that can make your heart soiled, while only the blessing from Divine Source can cleanse it. You can cleanse your heart chakra with a technique or an energy, but not the heart itself. When you use your Inner Heart you can channel Reiki  energy toward your heart and you can recognize how the Reiki energy actually cleanses, opens and strengthens your heart. Your Inner Heart likes Reiki energy so much.

Symbols in Reiki

Symbols in Reiki

Starting from Reiki level 2, you will learn how to use symbols. These symbols are not the source of any power. The source of the energy in Reiki is simply the blessing from Divine Source. Symbols are used to refer to specific types of energy. In level 2, you learn the intermediate level of energy work, that is, you learn to access specific types of energy. To do this, you need a way to refer to the types of energy you want and you do this by using symbols

To better understand this, let us look at the air. We know that air consist of oxygen, nitrogen, and other components. This is also the case for Divine energy. There are different types of Divine energy, such as energy for cleansing, energizing, relativity, etc. So, how do we refer to or access specific types of energy that we may need in Reiki ? The method is similar to referring to a specific person within a group of people. You can refer to the person by calling the person's name or by writing the name on a piece of paper and holding it up. We use similar methods in accessing specific types of energy in Reiki. We use symbols.


However, as the main goal of Reiki is to learn about the heart and the blessing from Divine Source. The use of symbols is temporary. When an infant is learning how to walk, the infant needs a baby walker to lean on. But when the infant can walk properly, the baby walker is no longer needed. This is also the case with symbols in Reiki. After understanding more about the blessing from Divine Source and removing more limitations, you will not be required to use symbols in channeling energy. The most important factor is how you surrender to Divine Source. It is how you open your heart to let the blessing of Divine Source work on you and through you.