Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chapter 3 - Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations

Chapter 3 – Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations

So now you’re ready to start learning how to harness your Mind Power. You’ll do so with “Affirmations”…statements you Affirm to be true. I’ve read books that claim Affirmations are more effective if said out loud. I see their point, but I have never said Affirmations out loud. Just saying them in my head has worked well for me. If you want to say them out loud (except when you’re in other peoples’ company such as work) go ahead. Let’s say you want to use Your Power to be better at your career. I can’t give you affirmations for every career because I haven’t had every career imaginable. So I’ll give you one example you can use to help formulate an Affirmation for the type of work you do. All you have to do is change the words to fit your situation.

First, sit down with a pen and piece of paper. Write down the important elements of your job. What are all the things you need to do well in order to do well in your job? Be specific and very detailed. The Subconscious Mind works better when you program it with specifics and detail, so stay away from generalities. That goes for any affirmation for any situation.
So you have your list. Doesn’t it make sense that if you do all of those elements better you will be better in your career? Of course. So you want to make sure you include all of those elements in your affirmation.
I know something about “Outside Sales”. That’s a job in which a salesperson calls businesses, sets up appointments with them and then goes “outside of their office” and tries to turn those prospects into clients.
Most companies call those salespeople “Account Executives”. One example would be a computer salesman who calls on businesses trying to sell them his/her company’s line of computers, then continues to service those accounts when clients have questions, problems, or want to upgrade the system.

Salespeople say these are the keys to being a good salesperson:
 1. Make the prospect feel you’re helping them get what they want. If they feel you’re trying to get what you want, the prospect will be less likely to buy from you.
2. If you’re in sales because you like helping and serving people by selling them products or services that will make their job easier and help their company be more productive and profitable…if you really enjoy hearing from your clients how much your product or service has increased their company’s business and that’s what drives your ambition, then the money you can make from commissions will take care of itself. If you’re driven mainly by the money you can make, money will probably be harder to come by.
3. When meeting with prospects trying to win them as clients, act the same as they do. “Mirror” their body language, tempo of their speech, tone of their voice, mannerisms. This subconsciously conveys to the prospect…”I’m just like you. You can trust me”. If I were a computer salesman, this is how I would say my affirmation. First I would do the relaxation, then I’d say something like this:
“I am the greatest computer salesman who ever lived.
Every call I make to a prospect ends up with a sale the first visit I make. The prospect never has to think about my offer for a few days or listen to presentations by computer salesmen from other companies so I never have to visit the prospect a second time to get the sale. Every prospect is eager to buy our computers on my first visit. I’m able to convince the prospect so easily that they’re getting a great deal and they feel very good about our computers because they can tell right away that our computers and the service I can provide them are going to help them in their job, and will make their company more profitable.
Every prospect can see right away that our computers can help them serve their clients so much faster and better and their business will increase. When I meet with a prospect, I always mirror their actions and they get a real good feeling about me because they can tell I’m just like them and they trust me. They can really tell I’m trying to help get them what they want. I love doing sales because I’m making my clients’ job easier and helping their company become more productive and profitable. It’s such a great feeling to hear from my clients about how their business has really picked up since they became my client. And when they call me with a question or a need, it’s such a great feeling to be able to be of service to them”.
I could make this even more powerful by imagining I’m seeing all this happen. I would pause during my affirmation and imagine I’m in the prospect’s office and he/she is smiling and eagerly listening while I do my presentation, and he/she says…”Hey, I think these computers are exactly what we’ve been looking for. These will work out great. I want to get them right away”.
Or when I affirm…”I love hearing from my clients about how our computers have helped them…” I would pause and imagine the client calls me to say….”Hey Todd, those computers are great. And that program you gave us has already helped us pick up 5 new clients and our business is really taking off now” and I would imagine feeling happy for them all. So visualization is another key component in harnessing Your Power.

Notice that the three “keys to selling” listed above are included in the affirmation. Now, let’s examine the affirmation to see that it addresses all 6 Key Points listed in Chapter 1:

1) The Subconscious Mind only thinks in the present. I am stating everything in the present, aren’t I? Look at the first sentence of the affirmation. “I AM the greatest computer salesman who ever lived”, not “I’m GOING to be the greatest computer salesman someday”.
2) The Subconscious Mind does not know the difference between what is real, and what is imagined. I am imagining all this and I’m tricking my Subconscious Mind into believing it by visualizing the entire scenario. I’m seeing the prospect acting favorably during my presentation, and hearing him/her say…”I want to get these computers now”. Plus I’m tricking my Subconscious Mind into believing it’s happening still more by incorporating Key Point #5 feel the emotion. As I’m doing my affirmation, I’m feeling all the emotions I would feel if all those things I affirmed were really happening.

3) The Subconscious Mind learns by repetition. If you’re just starting to develop your new skill of harnessing your Subconscious Mind Power, you couldn’t say an affirmation such as the example I used just once for one or two minutes and have it work. So how much is enough? And can you do it too much? I tend to agree when using your Mind Power to attract things, such as wealth, success, a soul mate. So if using affirmations to be successful in your career or attracting anything else you want, try doing a 15 to 20 minute affirmation session following the relaxation. Say your affirmation over and over again during that time, then don’t think about it the rest of the day. But do not begin to worry about the reasons you started to do the affirmation…not being successful, not having money, not having a soul mate. That will erase what you wanted to accomplish with the affirmation.

If you do start to worry later in the day, then start to say some lines from the affirmation. And just as defeating would be asking yourself…”well, when am I going to get what I want”. That’s reinforcing in your Subconscious Mind that you don’t yet have what you’re affirming, and you will start to doubt the power your have.
I have done a 15 minute affirmation session following the relaxation just once a day for several mornings, and without thinking about it the rest of the day I saw results within a few days. Will that happen for you? I can’t guarantee it at first. But the more you use your Power for more situations the quicker it will work.
Now, when it comes to using your Mind Power to get rid of something, say an illness such as cancer…I think the more you say affirmations the better. Do several affirmation sessions a day expressing joy about being cured. Say
lines from the affirmation throughout the day and try to keep the happy feelings of being cured in the forefront of your mind as much as possible.
So the rule of thumb…using your Mind Power to attract things, do a good 15 to 20 minute affirmation session following the relaxation just once in the morning, then forget about it the rest of the day, DO NOT allow negative thoughts to creep back into your mind. If so, say lines from the affirmation. See how that works for you. It could very possibly show you just how easy harnessing your Mind Power really is. If you don’t notice any results after 2 weeks, you can try another affirmation session in the evening. But when using your Mind Power to get rid of something that’s threatening to you such as illness, say the affirmation as often as possible.
4) The Subconscious Mind is irrational and illogical. Look at the second sentence of the affirmation. “Every call I make to a prospect ends up with a sale on my first visit”. Is it rational to think I would get a sale on my first visit to a prospect EVERY time? Of course not. We’re only human.
But my Subconscious Mind is not going to think….”Whoa, you want to make a sale on your first trip EVERY TIME? Wow, that’s really asking a lot. I doubt I can do that for you…maybe every other time or most of the time, but EVERY time?”.
Remember that your Subconscious Mind never questions what you tell it, so don’t set your sights low. Set them high. Shoot for the stars, the sky’s the limit, go for the gusto, think as big as you can .
If I affirm that I get a sale on my first visit with EVERY prospect (Key Point #4 – the subconscious mind only thinks in infinite or absolute terms, not in finite or partial terms), maybe I’ll do that 50-60% of the time. For any salesperson, that would be an awesome, almost unheard of conversion rate. If I wouldn’t sell 50-60% of my prospects, I would get many more sales than I would if I hadn’t used my Mind Power.
If I affirm I get a sale on the first visit MOST of the time I will greatly diminish my results. Here’s why. First of all, “ MOST” is a partial term, in which the Subconscious Mind does not think. Plus, I’ve read books in which the author says your Subconscious Mind power works only to the extent that you believe in it. I disagree. If you believe in it halfway (partially) it won’t work for you just 50 percent of the time. It won’t work at all because the other 50% of the time you’ll doubt that it works.
Doubt will negate your efforts. Again (Key Point #4), your Subconscious Mind only thinks in absolutes, not in partials. When you affirm something, affirm it as ALWAYS being true, not MOST OF THE TIME as true. You have to believe in Your Power 100% of the time for you to master it. Think in terms of those Frank Sinatra classics …”All The Way”, and “All Or Nothing At All”.
Keep this in mind while trying to achieve any goal. Let’s use the salesman example. If you’re trying this out because your sales have been slipping or haven’t gotten off the ground yet and you’re losing confidence in yourself, don’t EVER let doubt in yourself or Your Power enter your mind.
If after doing the affirmation you start allowing those old doubts to creep into your mind, the affirmation won’t take hold. So start to say some lines from the affirmation.
Get back on track as quickly as you can. Don’t undo what you’re trying to do with the affirmation. Just as athletes are training their bodies, you’re training your Subconscious Mind. It takes a conscious effort at first until it becomes a habit.
O-kay. This should give you an idea of how to use your Mind Power to get just about anything you want…not just doing well in your job. But you can use the example as a model to fit any situation…attracting wealth or a soul mate, getting your dream job, curing or preventing disease, releasing fears and phobias. You just have to change the words to fit the situation.

Chapter 2 – Relaxation: The Gateway to Your Mind Power

Chapter 2 – Relaxation
The Gateway to Your Mind Power
Before you start to develop your new skill of harnessing your Subconscious Mind power, there’s another skill you need to learn. While learning and performing it are extremely easy, it is very important to the process. It’s called relaxation.
Before you begin an affirmation session, you want to relax your body because you also want to relax your mind…clear all the junk out of the way and get your brain wave activity to a minimum so you can focus on the ONE thing on which you want to focus. The Subconscious Mind is more susceptible to receiving and acting upon suggestions when it is relaxed and focused on that one thing.

Here is how I do my relaxation. First, I put on some very relaxing music. This is optional. Try using music at first to see if it helps you relax. If you relax better without it, don’t use music. But you want your surroundings to be quiet. If you have a family, tell your spouse and children not to bother you for the next 20 minutes or for however long you plan to spend. And before you begin, tell your spouse to take a message if you get a phone call. I sit in a reclining chair and breathe at a normal pace for about 30 seconds and get my mind off of things. Then I take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, then slowly release the air and as I do, I imagine my body is becoming relaxed, as if it dropped down to the next level. Then I return to normal breathing for about 10 seconds, imagining that my breathing is slightly lighter than when it was when I started. I repeat that process 4 or 5 times, then while I exhale the last time, I close my eyes, and say to myself quietly and slowly… 

“The muscles around my eyes are totally and completely relaxed… I couldn’t open my eyes if I wanted to because the muscles are soooo relaxed….now I see coming from the sky a beam of light, shining on the muscles around my eyes relaxing them even further… the light of relaxation is penetrating deeply into every muscle, nerve and fiber around my eyes, making them even more relaxed… my breathing is soooo light, my heart and pulse are beating sooooo slowly…now the light of relaxation is spreading from my eyes down my face, down to my jaw and all the surrounding area….down my neck and around to the back of my neck….now the light of relaxation is spreading down my back, down past my shoulder blades…now the light of relaxation has spread across my back, out to the sides of my torso…now the light of relaxation continues down my back and sides, penetrating deeply into the nerves, muscles and fibers, relaxing them even more…all the way down to the small of my back….down to my waist… now the light of relaxation is shining on the sides of my neck and has spread across the top of my shoulders, just relaxing them…now the light of relaxation is moving slowly down my arms, penetrating deeply into every nerve, muscle and fiber making them soooo relaxed…and now the light has gone down to my elbows and has relaxed every muscle…now the light of relaxation is moving down my forearms…slowly down…into my wrist…hands…fingers… and all the way out through the tips of my fingers…now the light of relaxation is shining on the front of my neck and is moving down my chest area, penetrating deeply into every muscle, nerve and fiber…all the way down to my solar plexus…now down to my abdomen and all the surrounding area… down to my waist…now the light of relaxation shines on my pelvis and hips and is moving down to my thighs…it continues down my thighs relaxing every muscle, nerve and fiber… allllllll the way down to my knees…now the relaxation continues down my calves…cascading down to my ankles… into my feet…and all the way out through the tips of my toes…every part of my body is totally, and completely relaxed”.

Now, as I said, that’s how I do it. If this works for you, great. If not, you can do it the way that works best for you. But you want to get your body totally relaxed. You don’t have to make an effort to relax your mind. It will relax along with your body.
And don’t rush through this. I spend about 5 minutes doing the relaxation. Spend at least that amount of time. Also, I recommend that you do this in the morning before you go to work. If you do it in the evening after working all day and then eating dinner, you may fall asleep and miss out on practicing your new skill and throw your night sleep schedule off. So try it at a time when you’re less likely to fall asleep, and do it in a sitting position. I also recommend doing it on an empty stomach or waiting at least an hour after eating a big meal. If you do it right after eating, the food you ate will sit in your stomach like a blob because your metabolism will drastically slow down.

Notice where I put… That’s where you pause and imagine that part of your body relaxing. Just imagine it, pretend your body is relaxing…feel your muscles relaxing. Then move on to the next area to be relaxed.

Your Subconscious Mind Power is not “way down at the very depth of your psyche”. It’s right beneath the surface, just one step down from your conscious mind. Relaxation helps you get to it.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Reiki Juice, Reiki Diet, Reiki Food, Reiki Fruit

Reiki Juice

Takata recommended a diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish and chicken. She also had a home remedy, a drink which she drank and recommended to her clients and stu­dents. (Some of her students called it the Takata Cocktail.) She said it purifies the blood and energizes the whole body. Helen Haberly mentions it in, Reiki: Hawayo Takata's Story, but does not give an actual recipe. Being a juicer, I was curious and experimented with the ingredients. Here's what I came up with:

All ingredients should be organic, but if not, then make sure you wash them with a vegetable wash to remove pesti-cidial residues and chemical sprays (available in most health food stores).

·          1 beet about 2 inches in diameter. You can also include some of the greens. (eg: spinach, Cabbage) (हरी सब्जीई, घास का मैदान)

·         1 tablespoon watercress or about 10 small leaves. (eg जलकुंभी, नींबुई पीला)

·         2 stalks of celery (eg शाक की एक क़िस्म सलाद के लिए, अजमोदा)

·         1 medium carrot (गाजर, प्रलोभन)

·          2 cups purified or spring water. (शुद्ध करना, भूमिगत जल)

·         3-5 minutes Reiki

Chop up all ingredients and place in a high speed blender such as a Vita Mix. Before blending, place your hands on the blender container and give Reiki to the ingre­dients for several minutes. Start the blender and continue giving Reiki until the mixture is liquefied.

In addition to being a blood purifier, this concoction is a powerful detoxifier, especially for the liver, gallbladder and lungs. The affects of this drink are very beneficial, but cau­tion should be exercised when first starting to consume it because it is such a powerful detoxifier.

Drink only about half the juice at first, placing the remain­der in the refrigerator. Wait an hour or more before drinking more to discover how your body will respond to it. Once you've determined the amount that is right for you, it's important that you drink Reiki Juice every day as its benefi­cial effects take place over time. It has a really fresh whole­some flavor but a little on the tart side. Drinking it gives you increased mental clarity, a feeling of lightness, energy and vitality that will only increase as your body detoxifies.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Seven Chakra Healing Meditation Music (साथ चक्रों पर कुण्डलिनी ध्यान)

Seven Chakra Healing Meditation Music 
(साथ चक्रों पर कुण्डलिनी ध्यान) 

Listen to this Beautiful Meditation Music To Raise your Kundalini Power

1- Root Chakra मूलाधार चक्र

2 - Sacral Chakra स्वदिस्थाना चक्र

3 - Solar Plexus Chakra मणिपुर चक्र

4 - Heart Chakra अनहता चक्र

5 - Throat Chakra विशुधी चक्र

6 - Third Eye Chakra आगन चक्र

7 - Crown Chakra शहस्रार चक्र


Kundalini Awakening - कुण्डलिनी अवाकेनिंग

Kundalini Awakening - कुण्डलिनी अवाकेनिंग

Introduction about Kundalini Awaken- Part 1

Instruction about Kundalini Awaken - Part 2

Meditation on Kundalini Awaken - Part 3

Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Are The Responsibilities of a Reiki Healer?

Reiki master or healer is a level of achievement in Reiki. Some people believe that Reiki healer means he mastered the art of Reiki healing. Being a Reiki healer carries a great deal of responsibility that one has to fulfill. A Reiki master has three main responsibilities.

Responsibility To Himself
A healer has to nurture and develop from within. He has to release any negativity from within. In today’s world, one often comes across conflict that one can choose to either take on board or resolve calmly. One may suffer from disease, face negative emotional reactions and suffer from feelings like worry, anger and low self-esteem. A healer should not allow these feelings to fester and grow, but let them go and heal.

A healer has to take care of himself living by Reiki Principles given by the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. One has to allow himself Reiki healing every day. Especially one is not of much use to anyone else if he himself is a mess. This responsibility is the hardest to carry out and is an ongoing effort that gets easier with years of practice. Keep going back to teachings of Usui with humble spirit to fulfill this responsibility in a better way.

Responsibility To People and Students
The healer has a major responsibility to the people who come for Reiki. They include members of public who come for treatment and the students who come for initiation and teaching. When someone comes for Reiki treatment, a healer has to explain to the client in detail about Reiki and encourage him to go for it. A Reiki Master has to explain the client about this holistic process and need for several sessions. It helps in healing the symptoms as well as the underlying causes.

When a student approaches a healer for initiation and teaching, it is the beginning of a spiritual and emotional journey. After taking into account the road traveled before by the student, the Reiki healer has to support the student on his exciting new journey with Reiki.

A good Reiki healer will be sensitive to the needs of his students. After the initiation and teaching, a healer can support his student by making himself available to the student and maintaining the regular contact and supervision. The rest is up to how the student responds to his Reiki healer.

Responsibility To Environment
A healer has to care of his environment. He has to be responsible, love unconditionally, and allow the healing radiance to flow wherever it is needed. A Reiki Master has to start each day by asking himself that he is a channel or conduit for Reiki energy and allow it to flow wherever he is. A Reiki Master has to strongly believe that living by the Reiki Principles will earn him decent amount to live happily.

All Reiki healers must follow the Reiki Rules which are given below as a brief description:

  • Absolute confidentiality between a practitioner and the client must be maintained at any cost and no information should be disclosed to an outsider. Anything that is discussed between the two should not be disclosed.
  • A Reiki practitioner should provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere for client sessions.

  • A client should always be treated with respect and honor.

  • A Reiki practitioner must give a description to the client beforehand regarding what the client would experience before, during and after the session.

  • A Reiki practitioner should respect the opinions, views and methods of all other practitioners. He has the freedom to decide to learn from them. He should always give his services rightly.

  • A practitioner should educate clients on the value of Reiki to the clients and make clear that sessions do not guarantee complete healing or recovery.

  • A practitioner should inform the client that Reiki is not a substitute for professional medical care and explain that Reiki treatments are holistic in nature.

  • The healer should find out whether the client is undergoing any medical treatment. If the practitioner thinks that a client requires professional medical attention then he should suggest to the client that he consult a professional medical care provider. Reiki is a wonderful complement to medical treatment and the practitioner must be aware of past, current and ongoing medical treatments of their client.

  • The healer should never diagnose or prescribe treatment to the client or interfere with on going medical treatment.

  • A Reiki Practitioner can never ask his clients to undress. The practitioner should never touch sensitive areas, including genitals or breasts. While healing such parts, he should use only hands-off techniques.

  • A healer should work on his own healing so as to embody and express the essence of Reiki in everything they do.

How to do Meditation - (धयान केसे करे ? - कुण्डलिनी जागरण विडियो !!)


Go depth of the life by watching this video and proceed towards your aim of the life.

Spritual Reality - Part 1

Spritual Reality - Part 2

Spritual Reality - Part 3

Spritual Reality - Part 4

Spritual Reality - Part 5

Spritual Reality - Part 6

So why you are waiting for..............??????????
                             lets go to journey of TRUTH.....

धयान केसे करे ? - कुण्डलिनी जागरण विडियो !! (How to do Meditation)


Go depth of the life by watching this video and proceed towards your aim of the life.

Spritual Reality - Part 1

Spritual Reality - Part 2

Spritual Reality - Part 3

Spritual Reality - Part 4

Spritual Reality - Part 5

Spritual Reality - Part 6

So why you are waiting for..............??????????
                             lets go to journey of TRUTH

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hand Position for Healing - Reiki Healing


Front of Body


Back of Body



Front of Body


Back of Body