Protecting and Grounding
The best protection is to be grounded, actually. By being grounded the clients ills will tend to stay with them and be transformed by the client. By being grounded you will be fuller of energy, and your own essence, which will naturally cause the energy flow to be from you into the client, rather than from the client into you.
- For getting protection from the clients / patients you cover yourself with the White Light or Purple Light. Request reiki to cover you in the protection layer.
- Take a Bath of Sea Salt after giving the treatment to others.
- Keep some kind of Crystal Quartz Wands Sticks or Quartz Malas while giving the reiki and treatment to others.
Grounding is not a topic considered as part of Reiki. However, in my experience as an energy healer who has Reiki training, there are many realities of the Energy which are not covered in Reiki training. The dual concepts of grounding and protection are among these.Let us back up a little for a quick review of Energy Healing. Generally speaking this field, Energy Healing, involves the practice of channeling an energy form commonly called "Chi" into a recipient, who is the client, and who is receiving the healing. This energy, Chi, is involved with everything in the Universe. The word translates to English as "Universal Life Force", and this is a very apt term for it appears in everything in some form.
The energy, Chi, is not unique to the practice of Reiki, and there are many systems of energy healing other than Reiki. The energy follows various rules, which in some ways resemble the laws of electrical energy, and these rules are active regardless of which system of energy healing you follows. In fact, it is my belief that the different systems of energy healing are merely different "maps" that try to understand the territory of the activity of Chi. That there are different systems merely reflects that each individual has their own way of seeing the world, and thus each teacher of energy healing finds a different way to teach which results in a different format of practice.
Well said. I appreciate the tasteful choice of words.